Gold Crown Eligibility

The most up to date lists for each Series can be found in the below buttons. Click to see if your horse is eligible!
(Note: Horses are no longer required to have a race start prior to their heat).

GC38 Series

The GC38 pacing lists below are horses that are eligible to for the 3yo series. If your horse is in these lists, you are able to make the Sustaining or Age Series payment. The GC38 Trotters list is currently empty as we are accepting foal payments for this age group. Once these payments close, a list of nominated horses will be available on this button. 

GC39 Series

The GC39 pacing lists below are horses that have made foal payments made and are up Yearling or Series payments. The GC39 Trotters list is currently empty as we are accepting foal payments for this age group. Once these payments close, a list of nominated horses will be available on this button. 

GC40 Series

The GC40 pacing and trotting lists below are currently empty as we are accepting foal payments for this age group. Once these payments close, a list of nominated horses will be available on this button.